Male grooming

hair removal for men Kent

Men are taking much better care of themselves nowdays. This of course includes their hair and skin! A recent survey in a leading women’s magazine said over 80% of women said that they found men more attractive with little or no body hair. So it’s not surprising that more and more men are taking care of themselves and their bodies.

Men now count for up to half of our clients. So you’re not alone, relax, take the plunge and treat yourself!

Treatments available:

Permanent Hair Removal

We are experts in permanent hair removal for men with many years experience. The most popular treatments are back and chest hair removal, but male customers are getting more adventurous with buttock, sac and pubic areas now very much in in demand. You’ll probably have some questions about this process and you can watch a short video about permanent hair removal for men where Gwenda answers the most common questions or you’re welcome get in touch by phone on 01732 763250, or you can use our contact form.


If you are impatient for that smooth all over feeling or do not want to remove your hair permanently then our full waxing treatment is for you. These days it is definitely ‘in vogue’ for men to be hair free too, and many men are removing body hair for themselves and their partner’s benefit. So don’t feel shy or embarrassed we have lots of satisfied male customers. Waxing is quick, inexpensive and of course offers instantly smooth silky hair free skin. And we are Axiom certified.

Skin Rejuvenation:

Rejuvenate your skin, for a healthy radiant glowing younger looking skin. Using  KONA LHE technology we can treat the following

  • broken veins and capillaries
  • redness caused by broken capillaries and Rosacea
  • spider veins
  • imperfections from sun damage and photo-ageing age spots
  • a more even skin colour for a more youthful look
  • decreasing fine lines and wrinkles


If you’re not sure about waxing, why not try  “manscaping”?  Manscaping uses an electric trimmer to painlessly shorten the hairs on any part of the body to as little 1 mm. This low-cost alternative can be applied to any part of the body including chest, back, buttocks, legs and intimate areas.  For example, intimate pubic trim costs as little as  £15, and each treatment is followed by a soothing  application of Aloe Vera gel.

Find out more, no strings attached

For a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation please get it touch with Gwenda now. She’ll discuss options for you, suggest the most appropriate and discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Telephone 01732 763250/07740289928, email Gwenda, or use the form on the right.

To find out more or book an appointment please use our contact form,  phone me on 01732 763250/07740289928 or email me to get in touch.